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Guide to Sustainable Film and TV Production on Location in Scotland


We ask all productions in Fife Tay to commit to operating sustainably. Producing film and television sustainably is essential for minimising environmental impact and promoting responsible practices. Scotland, with its diverse landscapes and rich culture, offers unique opportunities for sustainable production. Here’s a guide to help you achieve sustainability in your film or TV production on location in Scotland.


 Pre-Production Planning


1. Sustainability Assessment:

   - Conduct an environmental impact assessment to understand potential impacts and develop mitigation strategies.

   - Appoint a sustainability manager or green consultant to oversee eco-friendly practices.


2. Location Scouting:

   - Choose locations with minimal environmental sensitivity.

   - Favour locations that are accessible by public transport to reduce carbon emissions from travel.


3. Local Crew and Resources:

   - Hire local crew members to minimise travel requirements.

   - Source props, costumes, and other materials locally to reduce transportation emissions and support local businesses.


4. Digital Solutions:

   - Use digital technologies for script distribution, production schedules, and communication to reduce paper waste.


On-Set Practices


1. Energy Efficiency:

   - Use renewable energy sources where possible, such as solar generators.

   - Employ energy-efficient lighting (LEDs) and equipment.

   - Ensure all electrical equipment is turned off when not in use.


2. Waste Management:

   - Implement a comprehensive recycling program on set.

   - Use reusable or compostable materials for catering services.

   - Minimise single-use plastics by providing water stations and reusable bottles for cast and crew.


3. Transportation:

   - Encourage carpooling and the use of electric or hybrid vehicles.

   - Provide incentives for crew members to use public transportation.


4. Sustainable Catering:

   - Source food locally and opt for organic, seasonal, and plant-based options.

   - Donate excess food to local charities.


5. Eco-Friendly Set Construction:

   - Use recycled or sustainably sourced materials for set construction.

   - Recycle or donate set materials after production.


 Post-Production and Wrap-Up


1. Offsetting Carbon Emissions:

   - Calculate the carbon footprint of your production and invest in carbon offset projects.

   - Participate in local reforestation or conservation projects.


2. Recycling and Waste Disposal:

   - Ensure proper recycling and disposal of all waste materials.

   - Donate or repurpose costumes, props, and other materials.


3. Community Engagement:

   - Involve the local community in your sustainability efforts.

   - Support local environmental initiatives and charities.


 Legal and Regulatory Compliance


1. Permits and Regulations:

   - Ensure compliance with all local environmental regulations and obtain necessary permits.

   - Work with FifeScreen+TayScreen who can advise on sustainable practices and any regional requirements and help.


2. Environmental Reporting:

   - Document and report your sustainability practices and achievements.

   - Share your sustainability report with stakeholders and the public to promote transparency and accountability.


 Resources and Support


1. Sustainable Scotland Network:

   - Collaborate with the Sustainable Scotland Network for guidance and resources on sustainable practices.


2. Screen Scotland, FifeScreen+TayScreen and Industry Bodies:

   - Engage with us and industry bodies for support and information on sustainable production.

  - Engage with Screen Scotland who are working to embed sustainable practices. More information on Screen Sector Sustainability.


3. Certifications and Standards:

   - Aim for sustainability certifications such as ISO 14001 or the Albert Certification from BAFTA for recognition of your efforts.


By integrating these practices into your production process, you can significantly reduce the environmental impact of your film or TV project while fostering a culture of sustainability in the industry. Scotland's stunning natural beauty deserves protection, and sustainable production practices are a step towards ensuring these landscapes remain unspoiled for future generations.